app Url
app Url ?: string
description ?: string
disable Default Events
disable Default Events ?: boolean
disclaimer Text
disclaimer Text ?: string
enable App Switching
enable App Switching ?: boolean
enable Metrics
enable Metrics ?: boolean
error Messages
error Messages ?: Record < string , Record < string | number , string > >
event Handlers
event Handlers ?: { ACKNOWLEDGE_RECEIVED : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { extraInfo : ExtraInfo ; message : AcknowledgeResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; ACTIVE_ACCOUNT_SET : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < AccountInfo > ; } ; ACTIVE_TRANSPORT_SET : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < Transport < PeerInfo , any , any > > ; } ; BROADCAST_REQUEST_ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; BROADCAST_REQUEST_SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; } ; BROADCAST_REQUEST_SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { blockExplorer : BlockExplorer ; connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; network : Network ; output : BroadcastResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; CHANNEL_CLOSED : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < string > ; } ; HIDE_UI : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < undefined | ( "alert" | "toast" ) [] > ; } ; INTERNAL_ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { buttons ?: AlertButton [] ; text : string ; } > ; } ; INVALID_ACTIVE_ACCOUNT_STATE : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < undefined > ; } ; LOCAL_RATE_LIMIT_REACHED : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < undefined > ; } ; NO_PERMISSIONS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < undefined > ; } ; OPERATION_REQUEST_ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorMessages : Record < string , Record < string | number , string > > ; errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; OPERATION_REQUEST_SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; } ; OPERATION_REQUEST_SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { account : AccountInfo ; blockExplorer : BlockExplorer ; connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; output : OperationResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; PAIR_INIT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { analytics : AnalyticsInterface ; disclaimerText ?: string ; featuredWallets ?: string [] ; networkType : NetworkType ; p2pPeerInfo : ( ( ) => Promise < P2PPairingRequest > ) ; postmessagePeerInfo : ( ( ) => Promise < PostMessagePairingRequest > ) ; walletConnectPeerInfo : ( ( ) => Promise < WalletConnectPairingRequest > ) ; abortedHandler ? ( ) => void ; } > ; } ; PAIR_SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < ExtendedP2PPairingResponse | ExtendedPostMessagePairingResponse | ExtendedWalletConnectPairingResponse > ; } ; PERMISSION_REQUEST_ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; PERMISSION_REQUEST_SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; } ; PERMISSION_REQUEST_SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { account : AccountInfo ; blockExplorer : BlockExplorer ; connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; output : PermissionResponseOutput ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; PROOF_OF_EVENT_CHALLENGE_REQUEST_ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; PROOF_OF_EVENT_CHALLENGE_REQUEST_SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; } ; PROOF_OF_EVENT_CHALLENGE_REQUEST_SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { account : AccountInfo ; blockExplorer : BlockExplorer ; connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; output : ProofOfEventChallengeResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; SHOW_PREPARE : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { walletInfo ?: WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; SIGN_REQUEST_ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; SIGN_REQUEST_SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; } ; SIGN_REQUEST_SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; output : SignPayloadResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; SIMULATED_PROOF_OF_EVENT_CHALLENGE_REQUEST_ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; SIMULATED_PROOF_OF_EVENT_CHALLENGE_REQUEST_SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; } ; SIMULATED_PROOF_OF_EVENT_CHALLENGE_REQUEST_SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { account : AccountInfo ; blockExplorer : BlockExplorer ; connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; output : SimulatedProofOfEventChallengeResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; } ; UNKNOWN : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < undefined > ; } ; }
Type declaration
ACKNOWLEDGE_ RECEIVED : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { extraInfo : ExtraInfo ; message : AcknowledgeResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
ACTIVE_ ACCOUNT_ SET : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < AccountInfo > ; }
ACTIVE_ TRANSPORT_ SET : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < Transport < PeerInfo , any , any > > ; }
BROADCAST_ REQUEST_ ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
BROADCAST_ REQUEST_ SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; }
BROADCAST_ REQUEST_ SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { blockExplorer : BlockExplorer ; connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; network : Network ; output : BroadcastResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
CHANNEL_ CLOSED : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < string > ; }
HIDE_ UI : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < undefined | ( "alert" | "toast" ) [] > ; }
INTERNAL_ ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { buttons ?: AlertButton [] ; text : string ; } > ; }
INVALID_ ACTIVE_ ACCOUNT_ STATE : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < undefined > ; }
LOCAL_ RATE_ LIMIT_ REACHED : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < undefined > ; }
NO_ PERMISSIONS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < undefined > ; }
OPERATION_ REQUEST_ ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorMessages : Record < string , Record < string | number , string > > ; errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
OPERATION_ REQUEST_ SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; }
OPERATION_ REQUEST_ SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { account : AccountInfo ; blockExplorer : BlockExplorer ; connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; output : OperationResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
PAIR_ INIT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { analytics : AnalyticsInterface ; disclaimerText ?: string ; featuredWallets ?: string [] ; networkType : NetworkType ; p2pPeerInfo : ( ( ) => Promise < P2PPairingRequest > ) ; postmessagePeerInfo : ( ( ) => Promise < PostMessagePairingRequest > ) ; walletConnectPeerInfo : ( ( ) => Promise < WalletConnectPairingRequest > ) ; abortedHandler ? ( ) => void ; } > ; }
PERMISSION_ REQUEST_ ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
PERMISSION_ REQUEST_ SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; }
PERMISSION_ REQUEST_ SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { account : AccountInfo ; blockExplorer : BlockExplorer ; connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; output : PermissionResponseOutput ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
PROOF_ OF_ EVENT_ CHALLENGE_ REQUEST_ ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
PROOF_ OF_ EVENT_ CHALLENGE_ REQUEST_ SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; }
PROOF_ OF_ EVENT_ CHALLENGE_ REQUEST_ SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { account : AccountInfo ; blockExplorer : BlockExplorer ; connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; output : ProofOfEventChallengeResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
SHOW_ PREPARE : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { walletInfo ?: WalletInfo ; } > ; }
SIGN_ REQUEST_ ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
SIGN_ REQUEST_ SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; }
SIGN_ REQUEST_ SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; output : SignPayloadResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
SIMULATED_ PROOF_ OF_ EVENT_ CHALLENGE_ REQUEST_ ERROR : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { errorResponse : ErrorResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
SIMULATED_ PROOF_ OF_ EVENT_ CHALLENGE_ REQUEST_ SENT : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < RequestSentInfo > ; }
SIMULATED_ PROOF_ OF_ EVENT_ CHALLENGE_ REQUEST_ SUCCESS : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < { account : AccountInfo ; blockExplorer : BlockExplorer ; connectionContext : ConnectionContext ; output : SimulatedProofOfEventChallengeResponse ; walletInfo : WalletInfo ; } > ; }
UNKNOWN : undefined | { handler : BeaconEventHandlerFunction < undefined > ; }
featured Wallets
featured Wallets ?: string []
icon Url
icon Url ?: string
preferred Network
wallet Connect Options
wallet Connect Options ?: RequireAtLeastOne < { projectId ?: string ; relayUrl ?: string ; } , "projectId" | "relayUrl" >
Type declaration
project Id ?: string
relay Url ?: string
The analytics instance that will be used by the SDK