Module @airgap/beacon-sdk - v4.3.3

Beacon SDK

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Connect Wallets with dApps on Tezos

Beacon is the implementation of the wallet interaction standard tzip-10 which describes the connnection of a dApp with a wallet.


The beacon-sdk simplifies and abstracts the communication between dApps and wallets over different transport layers.

Developers that plan to develop complex smart contract interactions can use Taquito with the BeaconWallet, which uses this SDK under the hood, but provides helpful methods to interact with contracts.

Besides this Typescript SDK, we also provide SDKs for native iOS and Android Wallets:


The documentation can be found here, technical documentation can be found here.


npm i --save @airgap/beacon-sdk

Example DApp integration

const client = new DAppClient({ name: 'My Sample DApp' })

.requestPermissions() // Send a permission request and automatically show UI to the user to select his favorite wallet
.then((permissions) => {
// Account that has been shared by the wallet
console.log('got permissions', permissions)
.catch((error) => console.log(error))

For a more complete example, take a look at the example-dapp.html file.

Example Wallet integration

const client = new WalletClient({ name: 'My Wallet' })
await client.init() // Establish P2P connection

.connect(async (message) => {
// Example: Handle PermissionRequest. A wallet should handle all request types
if (message.type === BeaconMessageType.PermissionRequest) {
// Show a UI to the user where he can confirm sharing an account with the DApp

const response: PermissionResponseInput = {
type: BeaconMessageType.PermissionResponse,
network:, // Use the same network that the user requested
scopes: [PermissionScope.OPERATION_REQUEST], // Ignore the scopes that have been requested and instead give only operation permissions
publicKey: 'tezos public key'

// Send response back to DApp
await client.respond(response)
.catch((error) => console.error('connect error', error))

For a more complete example, take a look at the example-wallet.html file.

Adding a wallet to beacon-sdk

Please create a PR and add your wallet here.

For iOS wallets, the wallet needs to define a custom url scheme to support the same-device functionality.


$ npm i
$ npm run build
$ npm run test

Once the SDK is built, you can open the example-dapp.html file in your browser and try out the basic functionality. To support browser extensions as well, the file should be viewed over a webserver. You can easily start one with python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 and then open the file with http://localhost:8000/example-dapp.html.






BeaconErrorType BeaconMessageType ClientEvents ColorMode ExposedPromiseStatus ExtensionMessageTarget NetworkType Origin PermissionScope Regions SigningType StorageKey SubstrateMessageType SubstratePermissionScope TransportStatus TransportType AccountManager AppMetadataManager BeaconClient ChromeStorage Client CommunicationClient ExposedPromise ExtendedP2PPairingRequest ExtendedP2PPairingResponse ExtendedPostMessagePairingRequest ExtendedPostMessagePairingResponse ExtendedWalletConnectPairingRequest ExtendedWalletConnectPairingResponse IndexedDBStorage LocalStorage Logger MessageBasedClient MultiTabChannel P2PCommunicationClient P2PPairingRequest P2PPairingResponse P2PTransport PeerManager PermissionManager PostMessagePairingRequest PostMessagePairingResponse PostMessageTransport Serializer Storage StorageValidator SubstrateBlockchain TezosBlockchain Transport WCStorage WalletConnectCommunicationClient WalletConnectPairingRequest WalletConnectPairingResponse WalletConnectTransport AccountInfo AcknowledgeMessage AnalyticsInterface App AppBase AppMetadata BeaconClientOptions BeaconMessageWrapper Blockchain BlockchainErrorResponse BlockchainMessage BlockchainRequestV3 BlockchainResponseV3 ChangeAccountRequest ClientOptions ConnectionContext DesktopApp EncryptedExtensionMessage ExtendedPeerInfo Extension ExtensionApp ExtensionMessage Network PeerInfo PermissionEntity PermissionInfo PermissionRequestV3 PermissionResponseV3 ProofOfEventChallengeRequest ProofOfEventChallengeResponse PushToken ResponseInput SimulatedProofOfEventChallengeRequest SimulatedProofOfEventChallengeResponse StorageKeyReturnType SubstratePermissionRequest SubstratePermissionResponse SubstrateSignPayloadRequest SubstrateTransferRequest TezosAttestationOperation TezosAttestationWithDalOperation TezosDalPublishCommitmentOperation TezosDoubleAttestationEvidenceOperation TezosDoublePreAttestationEvidenceOperation TezosDoublePreEndorsementEvidenceOperation TezosDrainDelegateOperation TezosEndorsementWithDalOperation TezosFailingNoopOperation TezosIncreasePaidStorageOperation TezosPreAttestationOperation TezosPreEndorsementOperation TezosRegisterGlobalConstantOperation TezosSetDepositsLimitOperation TezosSmartRollupAddMessagesOperation TezosSmartRollupCementOperation TezosSmartRollupExecuteOutboxMessageOperation TezosSmartRollupOriginateOperation TezosSmartRollupPublishOperation TezosSmartRollupRecoverBondOperation TezosSmartRollupRefuteOperation TezosSmartRollupTimeoutOperation TezosTransferTicketOperation TezosUpdateConsensusKeyOperation TezosVdfRevelationOperation Threshold WalletInfo WebApp AccountIdentifier BeaconMessage BeaconRequestMessage BeaconResponseMessage NodeDistributions Optional PartialTezosDalPublishCommitmentOperation PeerInfoType StorageKeyReturnDefaults SubstrateSignPayloadResponse SubstrateTransferResponse BEACON_VERSION CONTRACT_PREFIX NOTIFICATION_ORACLE_URL SDK_VERSION defaultValues secretbox_MACBYTES secretbox_NONCEBYTES windowRef decryptCryptoboxPayload encodePoeChallengePayload encryptCryptoboxPayload generateGUID getAccountIdentifier getAddressFromPublicKey getDebugEnabled getHexHash getKeypairFromSeed getLogger getSenderId getStorage isPublicKeySC isValidAddress keys openCryptobox prefixPublicKey recipientString sealCryptobox setDebugEnabled setLogger signMessage toHex



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