Class BeaconClientAbstract


The beacon client is an abstract client that handles everything that is shared between all other clients. Specifically, it handles managing the beaconId and and the local keypair.




_beaconId: ExposedPromise<string, unknown>

The beaconId is a public key that is used to identify one specific application (dapp or wallet). This is used inside a message to specify the sender, for example.

_keyPair: ExposedPromise<KeyPair, unknown>

The local keypair that is used for the communication encryption

appUrl?: string

The URL of the dApp.

iconUrl?: string

The URL of the dApp Icon. This can be used to display the icon of the dApp on in the wallet

loadOrCreateBeaconSecret: any

This method tries to load the seed from storage, if it doesn't exist, a new one will be created and persisted.

name: string

The name of the client

removeBeaconEntriesFromStorage: any

Removes all beacon values from the storage.

storage: Storage


  • get beaconId(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>

  • get keyPair(): Promise<KeyPair>
  • Returns Promise<KeyPair>


  • This resets the SDK. After using this method, this instance is no longer usable. You will have to instanciate a new client.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • This method initializes the SDK by setting some values in the storage and generating a keypair.

    Returns Promise<void>

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